Can working with the private sector encourage innovation?

NatWest, 2 November 2017

Hugh Biddell, head of charities and innovation at NatWest, explores innovation through collaboration with Neil Heslop, chief executive of Leonard Cheshire Disability, Andy Ellis, head of strategy and innovation at RBS, and Vicky Browning, chief executive at ACEVO.

This video was produced by NatWest, who kindly sponsored 30 things to think about.

Hugh Biddell is head of charities, schools and not for profit for NatWest. He is also a chair of the NatWest Social and Community Capital Investment Committee. Hugh has had various roles as a trustee, including at Crisis and The Reader.

Neil Heslop OBE is chief executive of Leonard Cheshire Disability. Previously, he was managing director at RNIB Solutions. Neil is also co-founder and trustee of Blind in Business.