30 things to think about

To celebrate ACEVO’s 30th birthday, we asked people in and around civil society for their thought-provoking insights. We hope that these will inspire debate about how to make the biggest difference over the next 30 years. 

Let us know what you think and join the conversation at #acevo30.

30. What skills will leaders need in the future?

30. What skills will leaders need in the future?

Justin Cooke

29. How can we improve our media image?

29. How can we improve our media image?

Richard Hawkes

28. Who are the philanthropists of tomorrow?

28. Who are the philanthropists of tomorrow?

Jen Shang

27. What are the implications of artificial intelligence?

27. What are the implications of artificial intelligence?

Olly Buston

26. If this is the beginning of the end for the charity sector, what’s next?

26. If this is the beginning of the end for the charity sector, what’s next?

Danny Sriskandarajah

25. How can we use our voices more effectively?

25. How can we use our voices more effectively?

Aya Chebbi

24. Will digital transform civil society?

24. Will digital transform civil society?

Julie Dodd

23. How can design thinking help transform organisations?

23. How can design thinking help transform organisations?

Tracy Frauzel

22. What is the future of membership?

22. What is the future of membership?

Seán Dagan Wood

21. Are there too many charities?

21. Are there too many charities?

Debra Allcock Tyler and Patrick Olszowski

20. Why should we engage and inspire young people?

20. Why should we engage and inspire young people?

Jessica Taplin

19. How can we use distributed organising to bring about change?

19. How can we use distributed organising to bring about change?

Eugene Flynn

18. What is the future of fundraising?

18. What is the future of fundraising?

Lynda Thomas

17. Should we change the way we communicate?

17. Should we change the way we communicate?

Nicky Hawkins

16. Do charities need to be more international?

16. Do charities need to be more international?

Simon Gillespie

15. Is civil society becoming a better reflection of the world?

15. Is civil society becoming a better reflection of the world?

Sarah Hughes

14. How could civil society learn from startup culture?

14. How could civil society learn from startup culture?

Jo Wolfe

13. How can leaders look after their teams and themselves?

13. How can leaders look after their teams and themselves?

Paul Farmer

12. How can we build a more inclusive civil society?

12. How can we build a more inclusive civil society?

Kunle Olulode

11. How should organisations relate to supporters and beneficiaries?

11. How should organisations relate to supporters and beneficiaries?

Gerry McGovern

10. What is the impact of declining trust in institutions?

10. What is the impact of declining trust in institutions?

Johnny Chatterton

09. Do funding models need disrupting?

09. Do funding models need disrupting?

Caroline Mason

08. How can we mobilise people to win campaigns?

08. How can we mobilise people to win campaigns?

Craig Dwyer

07. Are civil society and business boundaries blurring?

07. Are civil society and business boundaries blurring?

Sarah Mitchell

06. How can we better support civil society leaders?

06. How can we better support civil society leaders?

Tracey Crouch MP

05. How will political structures evolve?

05. How will political structures evolve?

Esther Foreman

04. What opportunities does blockchain offer?

04. What opportunities does blockchain offer?

Rhodri Davies

03. How can we build on clicktivism to harness diversity?

03. How can we build on clicktivism to harness diversity?

Becca Bunce

02. Can working with the private sector encourage innovation?

02. Can working with the private sector encourage innovation?


01. Is the nature of leadership changing?

01. Is the nature of leadership changing?

Lynne Berry

We’re grateful for the support of NatWest, which made this project possible.